Is "Merry Christmas" Bad For Business

We Chose Merry Christmas !

Faith shines stronger and glows all around us during these last days of the year and it should not be marginalized. We believe in the importance of faith, but we don't put an emphasis on religion. We believe in freedom of speech, but we also encourage respect and love towards others. This Christmas season or Holiday season, is not about the gifts, the parties, the food, the decorations or all the other material things that the media wants us to celebrate. Celebrate love, harmony and compassion with those around you. Yes, it is rude, ignorant, and disrespectful to stereotype 100% of Americans as Christmas celebrators, but to 9 out of 10 Americans, Christmas is the most important holiday of the year. Yes, we also understand that modern Christmas is based around the pagan Yule tree, but the Christmas greetings represent our enthusiasm to spread love, joy and hope to others. We understand that there are minorities that want us to abandon our beliefs but will not dismiss faith from the lives of our clients and our associates in the name of political correctness or speech censorship. Our freedom to greet you saying "Merry Christmas" should never be the reason to instigate you to anger, frustration or any other negative feeling. If you feel offended by our greeting due to religious, cultural or social differences, we apologize in advance but we do wish you lasting happiness and harmony during this season. If we have done business together in 2014, may this message be one of gratitude and appreciation for working together with you. If we are yet to do business together, may this message be the door that could be opened for us to meet in 2015 and see how we can make it a better year.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Luis Daniel Roque | Rick Melero
HIS Capital Group
HIS Capital Funding


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